Leadership Team 2019-2020
Operations Division

Omar Hamdy

Yong Qi Luo is a 3rd year chemical engineering student with a strong interest in renewable energy. He is also one of the Power Division Leads
Operations Division Lead

Masum Billah is a 3rd year Chemical Engineering student with a strong interest in sustainable energy and project management. He has various experiences working in industry, and is ready to leverage those skills to ensuring smooth operations of UTCV. As an Ops lead, he will maintain finances and competition.
Operations Division Lead
Thiiban Paskaran is a driven chemical engineering student with a keen interest in operations and strategy. He has helped to identify opportunities for process improvements in his previous work experience as an instrumentation & control engineer. Thiiban also has experience in generating business solutions by providing key insights in debottlenecking operations. As an Ops Lead, Thiiban helps to improve organizational processes and work to improve productivity and efficiency in the operations of the club.
Operations Division Lead
Mustafa Shabbir is a 4th year Chemical Engineering student with a strong interest in business. He has managed multi-million dollar projects while working in project management at a large power generation corporation. As an Ops Lead, Mustafa helps to obtain sponsorships for the club and assist the operation of the club.
Mechatronics Division
Mechatronics Division Lead

Sarah Halabieh is a 4th year mechanical engineering student, specializing in energy and mechatronics. With two previous years of experience on the team, she’s excited to make her last year on the team an impactful one. She’s passionate about being a well-rounded engineer; she believes that an effective engineer is one that has a good technical foundation while also being an effective communicator and a leader. She hopes that UTCV will be able to support more engineers to become well-rounded professionals.
Mechatronics Division Lead

Vishal Dumont is a 4th year ECE student, specializing in the fields of computer networks and software. With previous experience in the field of data engineering, he hopes to build data-driven tools that automate our testing procedures and aids our decision making processes. As a mechatronics lead, he hopes to educate as well as learn new things from the incoming recruits.
Power Division
Power Division Lead

Jinmyung Jang is a 3rd year chemical engineering student with a strong drive for excellence. With multiple research experiences, he is proficient in thinking critically and tackling problems. As a Power Lead, he works with Tony to leverage the skills learned to develop, optimize, and design the battery for the car.
Power Division Lead

Yong Qi Luo is a 3rd year chemical engineering student with a strong interest in renewable energy. He is a passionate team member and is always ready to discuss. He is excited to work with the new division members to designs of the battery system.
Reactions Division
Reactions Division Lead
Xingyu (Fred) Feng is a 2nd year chemical engineering student. With great interest in chemistry and desire to be an engineer, he transferred from forestry and became a ChemE student. He is looking forward to develop a perfect stopping mechanism with all other UTCV members.
Reactions Division Lead

Yuqi(Lisa) Zhou is a 2nd year chemical engineering student. She is glad to meet new members and will always provide help when needed.