How to join

Updated Sep 15, 2024


Your design journey begins with UTCV. Don’t miss out – ignite your creativity with us!


Recruitment Form

Ready to join us? Fill out this recruitment form now to let us know more about you! The deadline to fill the recruitment form for our Fall recruitment is Sep 15, 2024. We will be contacting those who sign up through the recruitment form once we close it. The kickoff slides are linked below for you to review and to help you choose which division you would like to join. Please feel free to reach out us if you have any questions regarding the recruitment process!


Our Mailing list

Haven’t decided to join us or not butu still want to be in the loop?

No Worries! Join our mailing list if you want to get updates on our recruitment process in 2025! We will be sending out Newsletters and resources to people on our mailing list. Sign up if you are interested in joining our club and want to hear more from us! 

*If you have already filled out our recruitment form, you will be automatically added to our mailing list

Recruitment F.A.Q.

We have started the recruitment process for all our divisions for the 2024-2025 academic year! The divisions currently recruiting include Circuitry Division, Mechanical Division, Operations Division, Power Division, and Reactions Division.

The deadline for joining UTCV  in the 2024 fall semester is Sep 15, 2024. If you missed the deadline, feel free to contact us and check out if any spots are still available!

Our formal recruitment process starts after our first general meeting. 

Please sign up to our 2024-2025 Mailing List to get updates about our recruitment process. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Absolutely not! Although having “Chemical” in our name, a huge portion of our projects are not related to chemistry but to mechanical, eletrical and programing. UTCV welcomes and is sustained by talent from all disciplines. We have members from multiple engineering programs working on different aspects of the car project. Not all components are Chem related!

We at UTCV pride ourselves on our fun and tight-knit community spirit, but joining a division means putting in hard work. A member can expect to spend 3-8 hours a week working with us. In this time, students will continuously challenge themselves intellectually and professionally through seizing unique learning opportunities that are valuable and hard to come by. From conducting scientific research to toggling circuitry; from planning creative club events to monitoring and controlling environmental impact, there is never a dull moment at UTCV.

Yes. UTCV’s leadership team values not only technical competence but also character. After all, developing people is an aspect of our mission. As long as you come into our workspace with a positive attitude and desire to learn, we will make sure that we train you properly. It is also to be noted that UTCV is sustained by not only technical design divisions but also an important Operations Division consisting of talented individuals who use their administration skills to manage UTCV and its resources. Feel free to take a look at the different aspects of our team listed on the ‘Divisions’ page to get an idea on which sector of UTCV is the best fit for you!

Everyone on UTCV has earned a spot on the team through making a sizeable effort to prioritize this design team. We expect new members to do the same and show up regularly; it is only through time-management and dedication that valuable skills are developed. We understand that UTCV is not for everyone, so it is important for students to make sure that this team is the right fit for them.

UTCV seeks out new members who want to develop technical skills, become capable leaders, and learn how to communicate effectively. If our mission resonates with you, then UTCV is the place to be!

If you want to join a division that works in the lab, you are required to have a set of Personal Protection Equipment (We call it ‘PPE’ – after joining us, you will hear this word painfully often.) PPE consists of laboratory gloves, a laboratory coat, and goggles/safety glasses. We at UTCV care deeply about your well-being and do not tolerate safety negligence. Thus, you should bring your own lab coat and goggles/safety glasses to our lab session. Gloves will be provided.