Design Name:
Aluminum-air battery
Design Description:
The battery design is constructed with repeating galvanic cells, each individually containing an aluminum anode at which aluminum is oxidized and a carbon-based cathode at which oxygen is reduced. The redox half-reactions are as follow:

Each anode and the cathode are divided by a porous separator soaked with aqueous potassium hydroxide electrolyte. The cells are then held together in sequence by two chemically resistant plastic plates, which apply pressure to the ends of the battery using tightened nuts on threaded rods, as per the following diagram.
Currently, the team is working to optimize the performance of the battery by reducing the corrosion rate of the aluminium anode due to the aqueous alkaline electrolyte as well as the internal resistance to increase the current output. Through rigorous research and testing, the team strives to design and construct a battery that has the potential to scale up to power a single-passenger-sized vehicle.
Active Team Members:
Ami Zeng
Ivy Hwang
Tony Luo
Jinmyung Jang,
Dustin Zhang
Harrison Wang
Niroshini Muniandy
Yao Sheng Chai